August 16, 2011

Why You Should Care about Social Media?

Information moves much more quickly in today's world because social media. More and more folks continue to join social networks of all kinds to meet other people that share the same interests and to find the information that is important to them. Some people are content creators while others choose to watch what other people say or post.

Social Media Statistics that you should know:
  1. Facebook now has 750 million users. If it were a country it would be the third largest in the world. 
  2. 38% of online US consumers "Like" a brand on Facebook. The average fan Likes nine different brands.
  3. LinkedIn has over 1 million users.
  4. Nearly twice as many men use LinkedIn (63% compared with 37% of women) All other social networking sites have significantly more female users than male users.
  5. 57 million people read and follow blogs.
  6. One word of mouth conversation is worth 200 TV ads.
  7. 91% of consumers trust peer recommendations, but only 14% trust advertisements.
  8. 87% of people trust a friend's advise over a critics review.
  9. Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the U.S.
  10. Nielsen published stats showing "three of the world's most popular brands online are social media related (Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia) and the world now spends over 110 billion minutes on social networks and blog sites. This equals 22% of all time online or 1 in every 4 1/2 minutes.
  11. According to familiar bloggers are preferred over celebrities and over 50% of active blog readers in the US have made a purchase based on a blog recommendation.
Social media CAN NOT replace your core business activities, which are to sell (share stories), meet and recruit. If you neglect your money-making activity in favor of social media, you will fail.

Social Media enhances your ability to connect you core business activity by targeting your efforts and helping you work more efficiently while meeting people you wouldn't normally have the opportunity to meet.

Social Media tips to help you with your business
  • Connect with new people
  • Re-connect you with previous customers and re-establish a business relationship.
  • Provide you with referrals from friends and fans.
  • Present your opportunity to the people who are looking for one
  • Help you learn more about your customers and what they want.
  • Save you time in distribution news to your customers in a fun, more engaging way.

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