May 23, 2006

You are Invited to learn about a awesome Business Model

What would you give to discover the business model of a top Master Coordinator in my primary busines?

That is what you will have a chance to learn if you come to the Barefoot Business Conference Centre this Thursday at 3 PM (CST) Kansas time.

His name is Jim Burke, he and his wife Mary Jo have been living a lifestyle many would love to have. They live in AZ in the winter and South Dakaota in the summer, and spend lots of time on the golf course.

Jim was first introduced to the Shaklee business opportunity back in 1971 and was attracted to the fact that he could teach and train people to build a business that would provide a tremendous residual income package for life. He attributes much of this one a million lifestyle to the business model that he put into place for rapid growth to Master Coordinator in 18 months. He did that in back in 1974 and they have reaping the benefit ever since.

Jim's confidence, enthusiam, business principles,and love for the company products and opportunity will have you sitting on the edge of your seat. Come a few minutes early to be sure to get a seat in the conference room.

When: Thursday 5/25

Time: 3PM CDT Kansas time

Where: Barefoot Business Conference Centre

Who: Master Coordinator Jim Burke revealing his business model he used

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