December 12, 2012

How to take advantage of Pinterest for Marketing your Business

Pinterest has been identified as the fourth largest driver of traffic, according to BizRate Insights, and a leading gateway to sales. Pinterest shows more promise for retailers than Facebook and Twitter since these studies suggest that 70 percent of users are on Pinterest find items to shop for. This Pinterest infographic from @talkingfinger gives you more detailed stats.

Now with the stats out of the way..let's get down to..


If you don't yet have a pinterest account send me a skype message (my username is barefootmentor on skype) with your email address and I'll make sure your "invited". As far as I know Pinterest is still an invitation only site. If you have a personal pinterest site you will need to decide if you want a seperate site for business or would rather integrate the one you have to a business site. (that's what I did) Go to: to convert or add your business profile.

If you have a facebook business page you can place an app to your pinterest site using

When it comes to content (pins) you will want to focus on original content as much as possible. Or at least find unique content from niche markets that the BIG pinners haven't posted.

Here's a list of content ideas and some FREE sites that will help you create unique, original, professional looking content.

1. Infographic and Checklists yep it's a weird URL I know...
2. Make TALL pin's but not so tall folks have to scroll to repin. Pin's that are wider than tall will show up very smaller than taller pins.
3. Tutorials and remember if at all possible put it in images.
4. Pins with text. A "Call to Action" button in your image will get you 80% increase of engagement
5. Pin video's. I made a board just for video's
6. Use Clever Captions!
     * hashtag your keywords.. ie #business, #marketing
     * put a price in your description = 36% more likes.. yea it's different than most social networks!
     * also if you put a link in the description it will automatically hyperlink
     * tell the reader what to do (CTA).. such as REPIN, or Click Here (remember it increases engagement)
     * bottom line pin useful, helpful, information
7. is a simple free image editor if you don't have one
8. Add your account to pinterest directories such as and
9. One of my favorite Pinterest tools is this site enables you to add text to your images and will also let you schedule the pins so they go live when you followers will see them.

I know this is a lot to take in, this is why I decided to put it all down in a blog post. Please bookmark or even better "pin" this so you have access anytime your ready to work in pinterest.

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