February 04, 2007

Excellent HTML Training Recorded

I have never thought of Saturday night as being a time to go to class, but last night it was. Tom Prendergast did a html training in the Veretekk general conference room that was excellent. The best part of his trainings are anyone anywhere can join in on these classes completely FREE! All you have to do is become a FREE Veretekk Member and check the calendar and jump into the live online interactive trainings. I know people who pay BIG bucks to learn this stuff and it's all available to you for FREE! To join as a free member go to http://barefoot.veretekk.com.


I attribute much of my online success to classes in Veretekk, and the great thing is they are very interactive so if you don't understand something all you have to do is ask and they will keep going back over it til you get it.

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