October 16, 2006

Who else wants POP 3 Training?

Yesterday was a day of recordings for me at the Veretekk conference room. I started out recording Pat Hoffman's POP3 training. She walked through setting up a POP3 email account with Veretekk and also touched on the message rules.

Pat Hoffman's POP3 training RECORDING

I plan on either getting a detailed message rule training or doing one myself. I know Tom P. said he had over 250 folders for his POP3 account, I sure would like to caputre his thought process of how and why he set up the folders like he did. I hear he is coming back into the Veretekk training class room soon so maybe you will see a training like this soon.

I did capture a great Veretekk State of the Week update conference last night. Tom Predergast is such and inspiring speaker and last night he was showing his true colors. If you didn't get a chance to listen to it he was really on a roll last night. I'm posting the only the audio so you can download and fast forward to the actual conference. I started the recording a little early and there were some sound issues at first, but once you get past that part hold on because he is simply an amazing inspirational speaker.

Tom Prendergast Veretekk State of the Week RECORDING DOWNLOAD

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