July 14, 2006

What's Wrong With Overture and Google AdWords?

Most of you know that I follow Dr. Nunley's marketing tips. He had this article in his newsletter this week and it really hit home for me. I have been doing a weekly class on how to drive traffic to your website and one of the points I really try to get across is about what page do you want to drive traffic too. I have done this training class 3 times now and every time something happens and the recording gets messed up. I'm starting to think that this is one of those classes that should be attended live and not ever be posted as a recording.

So here is his article on the same subject I cover in this special class.

What's Wrong With Overture and Google AdWords?
by Kevin Nunley

Just about every day I hear from somebody who says, "I get 200
hits a day to my site but no sales." When I ask how they get all
those visitors who don't buy, they tell me from advertising in
pay-per-click search engines and on Google.

This is such a common problem that a number of theories are
starting to circulate. One of my favorites is Overture is paying
people in poor countries to sit all day and click on paid links.

The real reason behind the lack of success with pay-per-click
visitors is probably a lot simpler. These people don't buy from
you specifically, because they have so many other choices.

When you search for "website promotion," you don't just find one
listing, click there and buy. You click through a number of the
listings, maybe even page after page. Because you have so many
choices, it may take you several days of research before you buy.

What can you do to improve sales with pay-per-click advertising?
Design your landing page for somebody who wants to find out about
you and your service with a nothing more than a quick glance
Include your main benefits in a bold headline. Give your product
or services key features in short bulleted text. Include the
price in large type. Also have a few customer comments that tout
your main benefits.
Kevin Nunley

OK Guys here is the same thing I have been saying in my trainings...
People buy and join with other People not the product or service they are promoting
oh yes it might have something to do with it.. The " KEY" is People join People!

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