May 15, 2006

More than Traffic TEST Update

There sure seems to be lots of nay-sayers talking about this program. Most of the nay-sayers I've seen haven't actually tried and tested this program. I don't understand how anyone can speak or give information one way or the other till they have tested it for themselves, and that's exactly what I'm doing.

I started my test about a month ago. (April 11th to be exact) So far I haven't seen any red flags at all coming from MTT. All the cautions have come from people who are writing about it but haven't tried it! I have even had a few comments on this blog, but not one nay-sayer has actually tried it. Anytime I see or hear from these people I think about all the great inventions in the world and how many people told them it couldn't be done. Kinda puts it all in perspective doesn't it!

I now have 2 of my 3 websites that they are optimizing for me at the level of having a new domain name and over 1000 extension pages on it. Last week I had only 1 at that level. This process started on April 20th and is expected to last 30 days according to my back office.

I'm not really conserned with the affiliate or franchise program they have. I know there has to be a good stable product first or the rest doesn't matter. There isn't a company that will make it very long without a good stable product or service to offer. It's the product I'm testing here guys.

I did get an email from Jean at MTT this morning reminding me when the commissions will be paid. I guess any one who purchased and they recieved the money before April 29th will have a icon in their back office to pick up their commission for April on May 31st. The orders I placed under myself will fit into the April commissions so I will update those who are interested the affiliate program in a couple of weeks.

I do get quite a few emails from MTT with incentives to either purchase optimized sites or about recruting for the affiliate and or franchise program. I guess that only makes sense because in order for MTT to grow they need a new stream of people. Any strong stable company does this too.

Probably one of the strongest most stable companies is my primary company. They have been in business for 50 years. I imagine back when they started there were plenty of nay-sayers then too, but all of those naysayers were proven wrong. My primary company is the #1 natural nutrition company in the USA.

I think they have paid out something like 3 billion dollars in commissions. I know of a distributor making a residual income to the tune of $3000 in a day. I must add though... he has stuck with this company for 41 years it didn't happen overnight guys. Heck in my primary company they just finished with an incentive called the $100,000 masters challange. I know I got kind of side tracked here, but I just want you to understand where I'm coming from and why it's not suprising to me why MTT would send out emails encouraging more sales.

I will keep you to up to date on this blog as my More Than Traffic Test continues.