I'm going to try to go through the highlights of the Sunday Veretekk Conference Update at least what I heard. Tom had been doing lots of testing this week working out bugs in the system. There have been some that have had trouble upgrading to gold. That has been fixed. There is a bug in the drill after you do so many pages you get an page can't be displayed they are still working on that. He was even testing as in the conference room having everyone tell him what they saw when he would bring up a piticular page and then asking where people who didn't get it " where do you live" (I'm not sure what that was all about.. I got only half of it because I lost connection)
Tom did ask for testimonials from people who have made it to the top of the search engines and some of their successes. I kept loosing connection so even though I really wanted to que up and and share my good results I didn't. There was probably lots more on this update that I missed. If anyone has anything to add just post a comment.
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Oh yea... I will trying to do all of my Q & A sessions and trainings this week. To see my event schedule for this week just click on the BOLD Orange Barefoot Business Conference Centre under Links to the right side of this post. Yes.. up towards the top of the page..
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