April 06, 2006

University of Veretekk Day 15 "Last Day"

Today was the last day of University of Veretekk. Are you a graduate? If so you are probably seeing some awesome results in your search engine rankings. I'm sorry I didn't get this recording up sooner. I tried to post it yesterday and had the whole thing written and ready to post... about that time blogger decided it was time to do some maintence on the blogger system. Oh well here it is.. better late than never.

Day 15 University of Veretekk RECORDING

In this last class Tom reviews everything he taught in all of the University of Veretekk classes. He discusses keyword research and has some of his students show their listings at the top of google. Another really good training tool in this recording is a PDF that explains daisy chaining for new people using a Veretekk Silver account. If I were you I would at listen and print off/ save the PDF file.. I know I have already used the PDF to help explain the daisy chaining process using 1-family classifieds.

Thanks again to Tom Prendergast for these great training sessions! Next week Tom will be starting a new series of classes that will cover writing email's, autoresponders, and I would imagine will teach us all the benefits of the new Veremail 2.

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