March 15, 2006

Write Classified Ads That Sell

I'm a big fan of classified ads. They are the most affordable
kind of advertising and, if used properly, can pull in lots of
leads. Make sure you have a headline. Keep it short. Write it in
ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. I try to make the headline
speak directly to the reader with a twist that is just a tad
ARE YOU SURE you're working the best system?
DON'T GIVE UP trying to save costs. We can help.

These headlines jump out at people when they're scanning
down a list of ads.

Be careful when you use abbreviations. Not everyone will
understand what they mean. I'm embarrassed to say it took
me a long time to figure out SASE means "self-addressed
stamped envelope."

Make your ad sound conversational rather than like a want
ad. You will get better response.

Submit your AD in my 1st Family Classifieds for FREE

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