December 22, 2005

Happy Holiday's from Kansas

May your Christmas be filled with many suprises!
Can you tell that I'm in the Holiday Christmas mood.... At the same time I can hardly sleep at night thinking about all the new and exciting thinkg to come in 2006. I will be posting these on my blog too, but I know how busy it gets this time of year and didn't want you to miss it!!! Here are some of the great gifts that we can look forward to in 2006 marketing online.

Podcasting is taking the online and offline world like a wirlwind. I even heard a comericial on TV this morning about the stations Podcast. Basically what they were saying if you don't have time to listen to the program it's now downloadable as a podcast. The advertizement said "listen on the go." Man when I heard that something clicked that told me as a serious online marketer podcasting will need to added to the methods we use to reachout to people.

Veretekk Update Conference Recording
If you missed the Sunday night Veretekk conference, don't worry I have the recording you are welcome to listen to CLICK HERE for the Veretekk Conference Recording. I want to forewarn you though it's almost 3 hours long.... I guess it should have been put in podcast format huh...

Get Rid of Spyware Forever
I want to share part of the info with you.
Tom showed us how to get rid of spyware forever. Its a simple fix ...

Follow these simple steps it will take less then 5 minutes:
1. Log into your Veretekk system and click on Veretraining.
2. Click on support links
3. Click on the link to fix internet explorer. Download and install the software. It will remove Microsoft's version of Java(that is your problem)
4. Go back to support links after you have removed MS's java and click on the link to get Sun Micros java. After its installed there is a link you can click on the verify the install.

Thats all it takes. Tom said on the conference he hasn't had a spyware problem for 6 months as a result of doing this. As you know spyware will slow your computer down.

Veretekk adding MLM Traffic Portals
The engineers over at Veretekk are onto something big! They will be adding MLM traffic portals for their suscribers primary MLM companies. I've taken a look at the first portal. In fact I signed up for the first MLM portal finished, just so I could have access to this awesome marketing technology! What really impresses me with what they are doing is they way they are set up and the ease of sponsoring downline in your organization. To actually view the back end of the site you have to sign up.. but it fre.e so their is really nothing to loose and just great knowledge to gain. Take a look at my fre.e site... I think you will be impressed as I was.
And yes my Barefoot Secret company is on the Veretekk engineers to do list to get have a MLM portal very soon.

GreenZap is a relatively new online payment processor. In fact Veretekk will start paying commissions through Greenzap in the near future.
In addition Veretekk will be releasing a new traffic portal that will allow you to give away $50 cash and get paid $20 for doing it. The Greenzap traffic lead generation portal will be awesome! By the way this will be real cash not webcash.
If you have not signed up for Greenzap yet You can get a free account with the following link
This will be a great traffic portal. Each time you get a lead from this new portal you will also earn $20. It doesn't get any better then that.

Online Training
This area will continue to be strong with so many new marketers coming online. There is so many online tools that offer training it's just a matter of deciding which one is best for you. This is one area I have excelled in over the last year. I will continue to offer the extra knowledge to the training you are doing online through the Barefoot Business Conference Centre. My daily sessions are open to anyone wanting to learn online marketing.

Online Advertizing
I see this area continue to grow. I have found some ways to promote my Barefoot Secret Company through cool new online software technology and corporate rate ad packages. This is Automated Marketing at it's finest. This Marketing System has a guaranted return investment and has doubled the hits to my Barefoot Secret company recruiting site. To see my site go to:

Best Wishes to you and your family, I look forward to helping you "Create your own Destiny" in the coming year

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."

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